Announcing the next /ETC
Things can break!
8-13 October 2018
XM24 - Bologna, Italy
Registration form
[Call for contribtions] (https://eclectictechcarnival.org/ETC2018/call/)
We are very happy to announce the next Eclectic Tech Carnival, a feminist tech skill-share event. The /ETC is a gathering of people*, who critically use/study/share/improve everyday information technologies in the context of the free software and open hardware movements.
We are a collective body of feminists with a particular history, who chew on the roots of control and domination.
The Eclectic Tech Carnival began in 2001, inspired by the hack meetings that started taking place at the end of the 90’s. Spread Over several days, people meet in real life to talk about computers, networks, programming, and the politics behind it all, and to share creative work (art needs to get a mention here!).
The Eclectic Tech Carnival is unique in that it has a feminist approach that expands the hack meetings’ reflection on politics with an intersectionalist point of view. Women, trans, genderqueer, gender-fluid, and intersex people will populate it alongside any other creature who actively embraces feminism and the critique of authority and oppression.
Besides workshops, there will be space for people to be politically, performatively and artistically active. Let us create future scenarios where the happy ending is a small and local world, based on solidarity and community.
“To join the event, we invite you to contribute - organize a workshop, give a talk, surprise us with your amazing performance or your sparkling installation, do SomethingCritical (and feminist, of course!).”
Everyone is a volunteer and will take on tasks during the event, for example helping in the kitchen, staffing the information desk, cleaning the ablution blocks, translating for each other, infrastructure administration, and so on.
What we offer:
- a network of feminists, with the most varied experiences
- infrastructure with work spaces and equipment
- good and affordable food
- a wide room where people can sleep for free
Please contact us at any time, starting immediately.
Email address: info @ eclectictechcarnival . org
There is also a mailinglist: https://lists.eclectictechcarnival.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/etc-int